ohmygosh...what an AMAZING weekend we had! Janice, Melissa, Susan and I had the pleasure of driving down to Concord, NC for Donna Downey's Inspired event! Three straight days of creative inspiration. Now THAT, my friends, is perfect for the soul :)
I've just started to download pictures and unpack (we got back around midnight last night), so I'll keep this brief and post some additional pictures later.
If the inner child in you wants to get out and play, THIS is the place to do it! You should really consider going next year. REALLY. I can't even tell you what a fabulous, creative, uplifting weekend it was. If you're interested in knowing more about it, feel free to talk to ANY one of us...we'd be glad to share our stories :)
In addition to all the creative goodness that goes on, we get to see old friends and make new ones. I copied this picture off Stephanie Ackerman's blog because it's much better than the one I have! She's an amazing woman who is my hero because she actually creates all kinds of art on the PLANE. She brought her needle, thread and scissors and actually stitched all the way from California. When I'm on a long flight, I'm usually snoring by about the 45 minute mark. Plus, she baked cookies for everyone. We love her and her amazing handmade roses! Check out her blog here.
Okay, major crappy picture of me, but can I tell you how nice and down to earth Stacy Julian is?!?! Love her too :)
Now, back to the part about making new friends. While we were at Inspired last year, we met a gal from Hampton named Anna Willett. We carpooled (which is a worthy of a whole separate blog post!) with her this year in her giant blue 15 seat passenger van. I can honestly say that I haven't laughed this hard in a L*O*N*G time. We absolutely adore her! And...BONUS...she teaches! She has some mad craft skills that she may be teaching at a sweet little store called Beach Scrapbooks in the near future. Anna's the one in the front with the bright orange shirt on.
What I also love about this picture, is the chic on the far left...the one with the crooked glasses in the blue shirt who looks like she's drunk. (you may have to click to enlarge) Well, she's really not drunk (at least I don't think she was). That's Sally from Toronto. I actually stepped on her glasses and completely broke them. AAAAHHHH! But, like so many other woman at the event, we fell in love with her too. And, she totally forgave me :)
So...if either of these pictures appeal to you...you really need to come with us next year!!!
And, back to old friends...Kris from Silhouette just keeps following us wherever we go...CAN'T shake him!! Yes, we love him too...
For those who know me, I have the most curly hair you've ever seen. And, I love it. BUT, if I didn't have curly hair, I would want Suze Weinberg's hair. She's got a TON of pictures from this weekend on her blog.
Overall, we had an AMAZING time! Except when Susan and Janice had that little disagreement...
Seriously though, I am so fortunate to have spent the last few days with such an amazing group of women! Janice, Susan, Anna and Melissa...you are awesome.
4 years ago
you guys are amazing. i mean it. i am so thankful to make such amazing new friends. you guys are so great to have encouraged me in my class. seriously, i laughed until i almost swerved off the road. next year we will all be required to wear diapers in the van... i laughed so hard. love you guys!!!
Sign me up! Looks like a great time!
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