Thursday, July 16, 2009

Epic Six demo

Wow...I never thought this day would get here!! Our store demo tool is HERE and on the counter - WAITING for you to come in and give it a spin :)

We've had lots of questions on when the remainder of the tools will arrive.

Our first wave of tools will arrive early next week. If you were one of the first ones to buy it (waaay back in May), you will be the first to receive your EPIC. We are in the process of putting together a list, complete with date and time stamp, so that everyone gets them in the exact order they were purchased. If you paid via layaway, your date and time stamp will be based on the date when you STARTED the layaway.

Our second wave of tools will arrive the week after next.

After that, the waves will continue until everyone gets their Epic.

By the way, congratulations to CARMELLA...she purchased the very FIRST Epic!

And...on July 28th, QuicKutz will announce their BIG news, so stay tuned :)

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