Friday, July 18, 2008

Fun filled Friday!

Boy, are we tired tonight! From 9 this morning to 6 this evening, we were walking, talking, shopping and ordering! Thank God for Fiber One bars, because it was the only food we ate all day long. After the show, we went out for some tasty Chicago pizza with Cheryl, the manager extraordinaire from Scrapboodles in Fredericksburg. One of the nice things about going to these shows is that we get to talk to other store owners and managers. It's always interesting to hear what other stores are doing so that we can think outside our little box. We've had some ideas that we've wanted to do in our store, so we've been asking other stores for their experience and advice. I won't spoil the surprises now, but look for some exciting things over the next few months!

On to the new product! The slideshow shows a sampling of what we bought today - all of which will be arriving in our store over the next few months. I'll give you some highlights...lots of cool, new papers from Bo-Bunny including new Fall colors in the Double Dots collection, BIGGER My Word Albums (one is all arrows!) and awesome new acrylic albums.

Then there's Ranger. Our staff had a Ranger training session last Sunday and learned LOTS of fun uses for the Ranger products. In fact, Courtney is having a class at the end of this month called Don't Stress - Distress! You will be amazed at what you can do with the Distress Inks. Have you been only using them to distress the edges of your paper? If so, then you must take this class!! Anyway...Tim Holtz was there doing his usual demonstrating. After talking with him a bit, we told him that some of the ladies from our store are fascinated with him. In fact, I was given instructions to squeeze his butt if I had the chance!!! Those who know me, know that I would NEVER do such a thing as I am very shy and quiet. In our never ending quest to make our customers happy, we did ask for a picture of his booty! I think he was embarrased, but deliver, he did! Enjoy ladies :) By the way, we are getting lots of new Ranger products including inks, reinkers, Perfect Pearls, new Stickles colors, new metallic crackle paints, grungeboard books and new grungeboard shapes. What fun!

For those stampers out there, get ready for Erin's Changito class! That's right...all the stamps featuring that cute little monkey are comin' your way :)

I'll skip to the best part of the day...QuicKutz! As you've probably seen, they released 13 new fonts! 2 cookie cutters, 5 2x2s, and 6 4x8s. Can you believe the price on the 4x8s???!!! With a QuicKutz Club discount, it comes to $32. That's $32 for an alphabet! They have really listened to their customers who have asked for more reasonably priced alphabets. THANK YOU QUICKUTZ!!

The storage solution for QuicKutz ships in September. To answer your questions, YES it does fit the current QuicKutz storage sheets. It's a great way to store ALL sizes of dies in one place.

Also new for Silhouette users - bright, new Vinyl colors and inks for sketching. Come by the store for a demo when they arrive!

Now...the Revolution Love. First, you gotta love the name! Second, the Revolution Love will allow you to use ANY competitor's dies in it...even the Sissix and Ellison. That's not the most exciting part about it though...the future of dies is so wiiiide open now...VERY exciting. (QuicKutz Club will hear more about this at Tuesday's club meeting!) The GREAT news about the Revolution Love is that we are going to offer a layaway plan for it!! It will ship in October. Stay tuned for details. (By the way, did you see the giant parentheses in the pictures?? They were cut using the Love!)

And, while we're talking about love, who doesn't love the men of QuicKutz! Not wanting to be outdone by Tim Holtz, they offered up their backsides just for you :) Brian, Kyle and Kris...we love ya!

Well, ladies, the season premiere of Psych is on TV so I must bring this to a conclusion. Tomorrow brings a new day and lots more shopping. One of the vendors we are visiting will be My Little Yellow Bicycle (MLYB). And, speaking of MLYB, Saturday brings you 30% off all MYLB paper and embellishments, including Zach's Life and the new Bella Vista! Mention "Butts & Bikes" to get your discount :) This offer is good for Saturday only.

Also...leave a comment for us on the blog (because we miss you!) and we'll pick a winner for a free SEI t-shirt!

Good night and sweet dreams :)


minijenn said...

i miss yall!! sounds like so much fun! im jealous. how cool is everything though!!! love the pics with kris. hahaha too funny.

Sharon B said...

Sure do wish I was there. You two are having way to much fun. Can't wait till you get back and dish up all the dirt.

sugarlips said...

Love all the fabulous papers that you have bought. I am definately getting the LOVE machine.

Pinch TH butt for me love that man!!!!!

Michelle said...

Wish I was there with you all. Looks like you all are having so much fun. Can't wait to hear all about the new products. Love the pics with Kris, they are too funny. The papers are so awesome and can't wait to use them. Looking forward to hearing more about the LOVE machine. See you soon.

Dee said...

i am moving your way and my brother of all people found your store for me! I can't wait to come by and shop and see all the new stuff you got at CHA! Can't wait to mee ya'll (yes that is the TX in me!) in person!!

retta said...

We miss y'all but are glad you are making the trek for us to get all those great new items. What a sacrifice you make for your customers, dealing with all that "booty" to please us (don't forget we want ALL the details). It was good to talk to you last night and see the slide show. Can't wait for Tuesday. Reserve UNIVERSITY for me now!

Courtney said...

I think I just peed my pants a little, I am soooo excited. I love all of the butt shots! :)

Debbora said...

You two are having way too much fun :) I can hardly wait to see what "NEW IDEAS" you have for the store. Everything looks great! especially the booty shot's :)

Chris said...

Girl, I'm so jealous you get to be there and see all the goods! Can't wait to see all the new stuff in person!

Mom of 3 girls said...

WOW! It sure sounds and looks like you are having fun! And it looks like you are getting some GREAT new items and ideas! Don't have to much fun without us!

Elaine said...

Woo hoo! I saw some journaling blocks in the slideshow and I have been searching for more of those! I'm excited to see all of the NEW stuff!

Katy Young said...

You guys look like you are having the best time! Can't wait to see all the new stuff!

TJ said...

I am so glad you are getting new stuff for us to buy! The changes you have made in products at Beach Scrapbooks has been phenomenal. We are lucky to have you!

mollybnvb said...

You guys have a had a whirlwind of a weekend so far like I have had. Looks like a lot of fun. Cant wait to see the new stuff. Be safe and take care and cant wait to hear all about it.
